[Dxspider-announce] [Announce] spider-1.54.0 is out

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Thu Jun 21 22:24:43 CEST 2007

Due to overwhelming demand, I have today issued spider 1.54.0.

This is a major release and it must be said straight away, it may have 
bugs. Those of you (which I hope is *all* of you) that are on the 
support list will have seen the new features. I shan't enumerate them here.

However, there are some things that should be said:

1. This is really quite cutting edge stuff, waiting a few weeks may save 
you some trouble. Having said that, five nodes have been running the 
bulk of this code for several months without problems.

2. You really, really should take a backup of your entire tree, because 
there is a finite chance that we may need to backtrack, because of 
something I have not foreseen.

3. You *must* (without fail) copy the tarball over your existing tree, 
there are no patches, updating via CVS will *not* do what is required. 
The standard instructions for upgrading with CVSlatest.tgz apply. 
Currently CVSlatest.tgz and the "official" release tarball are the same.

4. You will notice that your node and user lists will, in the short 
term, be reduced. You should (hopefully) notice that you can 
successfully talk to anyone that you see in that list.

After installation, if you are a CVSer then you should (once only):-

cd /spider
cvs login
password: <press return>

This is because the CVS repository has moved from SourceForge to 
somewhere that I control. This will mean instant CVS fix availability 
after publication, rather than waiting the six hours+ that SF takes.

It is possible that if you are using WinCVS, if you do a "cvs update -d" 
you may see a load of Ms in front of each file. For the moment, please 
don't worry about that (or complain on the support list).

You can get the tarball from:

http://www.dxcluster.org/download/spider-1.54.0.tar.gz or

Please follow the instructions for overwriting the existing spider tree 
from the website: http://www.dxcluster.org/download/

Please share your problems with us all on the support list.

Dirk G1TLH

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